Katys World
My Dying Bride
Blink 182
Charles Manson
Green Day
Richard Ramirez
Texas Chainsaw Masca
Emily's 13 faveourite movies
Marilyn Msanson
Friend Dedications


A dedication to my friends..

This is a dedication to all of my friends..I llove you all!
Channy, thank you for alwyas being there for me in the good bad and the fucking ugly!
Chirsty,What can i say I have known you way to long and you still never stop to amaze me thanks for always mothering me its really helped me to know that you care..
Caitlyn,I love your music your so kind and genrous come back soon!we miss you
Shiana thank you sweetie for being there and looking after me and just being a shoulder to cry on thank you
Anu,thank you for being there for me thanks for everything
Gemma,thank you for helping me with everything
Orlena thank you Ory for always being like a older sister to me thank you for always looking after me
Kat,tahnk you for everything you make me so happy
Lynette Thanks for sticking up for me all those times..even thou you got bagged out as well
Lindsy,your so funny thank you for just being there
Troy, troy troy troy my only red headed friend thanks for being a dickhead but being there
Emily Thaanks for caring for me thank you for every thing i really do think you will be who you set out to be..
Bre old bre wheres my cookie thank you for being a smartass it helps when im down!
Matt i love you matt thank you for being there for me in one of my darkest hours
Jess i dont know you well but thank you for being nice
Nick we know gosford people suck,and i really am sorry bout ur nail..
Mick Angel of gel and hair products keep on going and dont be afraid to go further..
Dom you are really cool!hope we can get to know each other more better
Cat your really COOL!! i hope we get to bond more
Lu i hope i get to know you more you seem funny

I love you all!

ŠKaty O 2004-2006